DvD Translations presents:

Gorby's Pipeline

Great Military Operation

Patch Released: January 22, 2007


Patch | ReadMe


Our web site mentioned in the readme was finally changed to dvdtranslations.eludevisibility.org.

Here are scans of the front and back of the box, cart, and manual!

Famicom Box, Cart, and Manual Front: Famicom Box, Cart, and Manual Front

Famicom Box and Cart Back: Famicom Box and Cart Back

Famicom Cart: Famicom Cart

DvD was pretty tired when he released this and forgot to spell-check the ReadMe. The patch now contains the spell-checked ReadMe. We didn't change the Rev level, just noted it in the ReadMe's timeline. Anyone who downloaded the original patch to post on their site should download the new one.

We translated this game over New Years eve & day but did not have time to make up a web page and ReadMe until now. DvD wanted to work on a quick project. harmony7 recently suggested the current tranlsation of the subtitle about a week ago.

Here are some screen shots:
Credits Before Credits After
Title Before Title After Corrections Title After
Selecting Your Level Stage 5 Completed Rocket Stage 5 Completed Map

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Page Last Modified: December 23, 2011